How To Survive An Affair And Control Your Thoughts

Knowing how to survive an affair and control your thoughts in the process is not easy to do, but it can be done with a little help. This is an emotional time in your life and you can't stop thinking about your husband or wife having relations with someone else. You have given them the best years of your life and this is what you get in return.

Thinking the two of you were happy after all those years, this hits you like a ton of bricks. Your thoughts are all messed up to the point where you don't know what to think. Images of your spouse with someone else is the only thing clouding your head and you just can't stop thinking about it no matter what you do.

Does these thoughts stay on your mind?

1. I don't believe my marriage will hold up to this pressure.

2. It makes me sick just looking at my spouse and thought of them touching me makes my skin crawl.

3. What did I do to deserve this? Am I unattractive to my spouse? Was the sex not good enough?

4. Was I neglecting my spouse or not fulfilling their need.

5. What do they have that I don't have?

With thoughts like these going through your head is it possible to learn how to survive an affair. This is not what you wanted out your marriage. You feel like you have been betrayed by your spouse and he or she has taking something for you that can never be replaced. It is a sick feeling knowing the one you love has had an affair.

Your thoughts are out of control and it's driving you crazy. You are trying to come to a conclusion as to why your spouse cheated, but it is hard to find a good reason why they would. Who do you blame in the relationship? Was it your fault or their fault? Why didn't I see the signs? How could I be so blind?

The thoughts you are having are mixed between your spouse who cheated, you the victim and your marriage itself. As you think on these things, it all points and relates to cheating. While you trying to figure out what happened, there are some questions have to be answered because you have a strong desire for details. It's natural you feel this and think this way.

You have question that needs to be answered. Your mind is creating images you can't get rid of. And until some these question are answered, you will find it hard to make it on day by day basis.

Unless you take the steps that are necessary for handling your situation, you will find yourself struggling with everyday. The solution to your problem will not be found over night. As you try to climb free of the thoughts in your head. You will experience a few slips along the way.

But in due time, you will heal and began to regain control of your thoughts. Learning how to survive an affair will take some time but with the proper mindset you will make it.

How To Survive An Affair And Regain Your Inner Sanity

Are you sinking in misery and turmoil? You can regain your inner sanity by changing the thought process you are going through. The only person who can help you regain it is, you. This is the process you will go through as you learn how to survive an affair.

You have fallen victim to a marital affair, and it seems as though you were the last one to hear about it and you definitely did not ask for this situation to come up on you. Your spouse betrayed you, and that's unfair, because you thought everything was fine. Now you have no inner peace because of your spouse's disrespectful actions.

There is nothing you can do to change the past, but you can take control of your future by taking control of the thinking. There is no fast way to fix it. Negative thoughts can come so quickly, but there is a way. You can reclaim your way of thinking. Putting into practice positive thoughts will help you defeat the negative thoughts. If you're willing to do so.

You have to protect yourself before you begin the healing process in your marriage. Regaining the trust of your spouse will take some time and it will not be easy. If you are willing to repair your marriage, you will have to start prior to the time when your full trust returns.

You will have to experience some overwhelming positive changes in your spouses behavior and actions before you began to work out your own devilish thoughts. This is how you protect yourself. This is something you will have to do if you truly want to know how to survive an affair.

When you are ready to regain your thoughts and regain your power and regain control of your marriage learn how to survive an affair by following these three steps.

1. Track your thought process like a hunter

Keep track of your negative thoughts just like a hunter would do tracking deer. You have to keep track of the footprints that leads negative thoughts you are having.

2. Uncover your negative thought patterns as if you were a detective

When you experience negative thoughts, make sure you look for patterns as they occur. When you thoughts become stuck in a repeating process, this is what causes you to have negative ideas. This is something you need to take control of.

3. Breaking the patterns of negative thoughts

Once you have figured out when your negative thoughts happens and when they are occurring put into action the steps that are necessary to break this pattern. Make sure you plan ahead for when these patterns might occur.

If you want to be successful in completing these steps you will have to practice controlling your thoughts as they happen. To truly learn how to survive an affair. You have to have positive thoughts ready and available for you to think about.


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