
Showing posts from March, 2023

New Relationship Strong Foundation Tips (How to Create a Strong Foundation for Your Relationship)

Building a strong foundation for your relationship from the beginning is a smart idea. You are wise to be seeking this advice at this stage, as making the right moves now can mean years of happiness in the future. Here are some tips to make it happen! Don't fake it Many people feel that in order to make someone like them, they have to change themselves somehow, or become an actor, putting forward a false front to impress their new partner. In reality, though, you need to be who you are. If you want a partner who likes you for who you are, then you need to be who you are from the beginning. This reduces stress and tension later on, because the real you will start to show through no matter what your efforts at faking it. And, when that happens, your partner will realize that you aren't who they thought you were. If they then don't like the real you, you will go through the stress of a breakup, and have to start all over again with someone else. Many people then repeat the sam